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I have been practicing massage therapy for over 20 years. Working with prenatal and postpartum moms was my dream.  And it still is.  I love helping my clients embrace their changing bodies with love, acceptance and awe.  Whether you are trying to conceive, pregnant, postpartum, grieving a loss, parenting "littles" - toddlers to tweens or "practice adults" - teens to twenties, giving as an "other" mother or finally enjoying from the much deserved grandmother's perch, bodywork is essential to take care of YOU, so that you can take care of all of them!


I use specialized Body Support System cushions that allow my expectant and postpartum mothers to lay face down comfortably and safely. This is a game changer for my clients who are suffering from low back pain and can finally have that area worked deeply, or for those nursing mother's who can't comfortably lay down on a flat table. Most of my clients want to take the cushions home with them!






Please consult your health care provider prior to receiving any maternal massage offerings.


Signature Prenatal Massage

60 Minutes $110  |   75 Minutes $125  |  90 Minutes $145


Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting time. It can also be exhausting. A prenatal massage is a great way for expecting mothers to find relief and relaxation.  Prenatal massage can help relieve aches and pains caused by your changing body.  I can help reduce nervous tension, improve sleep, and help relieve depression or anxiety.  It is also an opportunity for you to let someone else care for you during this special time.

Prenatal Yoga

"I'm SO ready!"
Prenatal Massage

60 Minutes $110  |   75 Minutes $125 |  90 Minutes $145


It's close to your due date, or even past, and you are SO ready! This prenatal massage helps stimulate the natural labor process by using specific acupressure points, relaxing the nervous system of both you and your baby and preparing the body for birth with massage, breath and meditative energy work. This type of massage can help send signals to the baby to encourage them to "get ready" for their grand entrance. 


Please consult your health care provider if you have any concerns about massage between 38-40 weeks.  

Image by freestocks

"I'm SO exhausted!"
Postpartum Massage

60 Minutes $110   |   75 Minutes $125 |  90 Minutes $145


Prenatal massage is so important for mom and baby however postpartum massage may be even more important!  You just completed the marathon of childbirth and now your needs are at the bottom of the list. And we all know, you can't give from an empty well. It's essential for the new mom to get away when they are ready to have a moment to care for themselves.

Baby's Hand

"Almost Pregnant" Massage

60 Minutes $110   |   75 Minutes $125  |  90 Minutes $145


Difficulty getting pregnant is an isolating experience that can be challenging to understand if you haven’t been through it.  I offer an intuitive energy/signature massage experience to support you, heart, mind and body, through your fertility journey.

Couple's Feet in Bed

60 Minutes $110   |   75 Minutes $125 |  90 Minutes $145


Pregnancy and baby loss is a devastating and uniquely personal experience that can be a heartbreaking and challenging reality.  This massage combines my signature massage with intuitive energy work to honor the connection between mom and her baby who brought so much joy for too little time. 

MammaGlo Massage
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